Being a barber is a profession that never really goes out of need because in every era people need their hair and facial hair cut and styled well, though it does require proper skill and expertise. To be the complete barber, you have to have a certain set of tools that will complete your services, whether you are an amateur or pro. Wondering what those are? Well, here are the must-have tools for every barber.
#1 Hair Comb
It goes without saying that whether you are styling or clipping the hair on the head, beard, or mustache, whether you are a professional or just a starter, you are definitely gonna need a hair comb for prepping to perform any barber services.
#2 Hair Clipper
A wired trimmer or wireless trimmer is good for when you need to shave the hair off quickly and clean, whether it is on your head, beard, or mustache (yours, or someone else’s) and that makes it an essential barber tool.
#3 Straight Razor
For times when you need to get a close shave with a certain angle on the head or the face, a straight razor comes in handy. And if you are a professional with expertise in barber skills, you might even be able to pull off a nice fade haircut with a straight razor.
#4 Hair Shears
One of the most indubitably basic skills of being a barber is trimming and cutting the hair, which, of course, requires that you always keep a pair of shears in handy. Whether you are cutting with the hair between your fingers or pulled over a comb, trimming the hair away with shears works best for such cuts.
#5 Straight Blade Scissors
When you need to give your hair, mustache, or beard a little trip to keep it neat and in proper shape to achieve that smart look, it is best to work with a pair of straight blade scissors for an easy and safe trim.
#6 Prep Tools
Whatever barber treatment it may be, like cutting the hair or shaving the facial hair off, you need to start with specific tools to prep for the treatment for it to be done properly. Such tools include shaving cream, pomades, spray bottle to dampen the hair while cutting, warm water to soak the hair before trimming, and of course a cape to catch the fallen hair.
#7 A Towel
While performing barber services, a towel helps in many steps like wiping excess shaving cream off the face, cleaning away the damp, cut hair from the neck, and such.
#8 A Cleaning Brush Or Duster
Last but not the least, another must-have tool for every barber is the cleaning duster or brush to wipe away fallen hair after the treatment is done.
These are the must-have tools for every barber that’ll help you get cutting and trimming with ease, but if you don’t wanna perform the services yourself, look no further because at https://www.ringmybarber.com/ you can book independent barbers that’ll provide you the best service while taking care of all the safety and hygiene measures.
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